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Dos and Don'ts of Amazon Product Listing Optimization?

Jun 5

Amazon is a search engine and it understands what people are searching for. To improve your ranking in Amazon search results, you need to optimize your listings so that they match what people are looking for when they search. It's important to remember that Amazon is a search engine, not just a marketplace. In other words, when people search for products on Amazon, they're searching for what they want. So if you're not showing up in their search results, they won't be able to find you!

Amazon Listing Optimization services help you do this. It gives you tips on how to make sure your product has the best chance of being found by customers who are likely to buy what it offers.

Amazon PLO is the name for the optimization of your product listings for Amazon's search engine. This is a very important process, as it ensures that your products will rank well on Amazon's search results and therefore reach customers more easily.

The most important thing to note when working on PLO is that you need to make sure that your product listing is clear, simple, and informative. You also want to make sure that there aren't any errors or issues with the content of your listing. The best way to do this is by using Amazon's Seller Central website, which has a built-in PLO tool that can help you check for errors in your product listing before it goes live on Amazon's site.

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Pillars of Amazon Product listing Optimization

There are five pillars of Amazon Product Listing Optimization (PLO) that you should be aware of. They are:

  • Keyword optimization
  • Product title optimization
  • Product image optimization
  • Sales copy optimization
  • Additional content optimization

Keyword optimization

The goal of keyword optimization is to make sure that your product listing appears in search results when people are looking for products like yours, and that it ranks highly if it does appear. The more relevant the search results are to a customer's query, the more likely they will be to click on your listing.

To optimize your listing, you need to make sure it includes all of the keywords or phrases customers are likely to use when searching for products like yours. Make sure that all of the words in your title and description have been used as many times as possible.

Product title optimization

Amazon product title optimization is a critical aspect of your product listing that can help you reach more customers and boost your sales. The right title will make your product stand out, while the wrong one could get lost in the crowd.

  1. First, keep it short. Amazon allows up to 100 characters for a title, but we recommend using fewer than 80 characters so that your listing will show up on search results pages in full. If you use too many characters, some will be cut off when people view the page.
  2. Next, include keywords that are relevant to your product. You want customers who are looking for those terms to find your listing—and then click it
  3. Finally, make sure each character counts by using punctuation correctly:
  • commas separate words in a series;
  • hyphens join words that describe one thing;
  • periods end sentences;
  • exclamation marks indicate excitement (but don't overuse them!).

Product image optimization

Product image optimization is a crucial part of your Amazon listing. The images you use can make or break the success of your product. Your first instinct may be to use the largest possible image so that it looks as clear and sharp as possible, but this is actually not the best practice for optimizing your product images for Amazon. Instead, you should optimize for file size, which will help reduce loading time and improve the user experience on Amazon’s platform.

You also want to ensure that your images are properly cropped to show only the most important parts of your product. You don’t want an image with distracting elements in the background; instead focus on showing off just what makes your item special and unique!

Sales copy optimization

Sales copy optimization is the process of making a product's listing more likely to convert visitors into buyers. The most important element of this process is the sales copy, which is the text that appears on your listing page and describes your product.

Sales copy optimization is one of the pillars of Amazon Product Listing Optimization as a whole. It involves optimizing every aspect of your product listing's description, including:

- Headline

- Bullet points

- Description

Additional content optimization

Additional content optimization is a way to optimize for the Amazon search engine. The additional content includes the product description, product features, and customer reviews. These fields can be used to improve your listing's rank on Amazon by including information that will help it rank higher in the search results.

Dos of Amazon Product Listing Optimization

Amazon product listing optimization is the process of improving your product's visibility and ranking in Amazon search results.

The following are some tips for doing so:

  1. Use relevant keywords in your title and description
  2. Include bullets or numbered lists in your product description
  3. Use a header image that captures attention and highlights the benefits of your product
  4. Use bullet points to break up your description and highlight specific features of the product
  5. Write a detailed description that communicates the value of your product to the customer
  6. Use an image with a white background
  7. Describe your product in detail
  8. Have at least 500 words of text on your page, including keywords that are highly searched within the category

Don’ts of Amazon Product Listing Optimization

Amazon product listing optimization is a science. You can't just throw together a bunch of words and hope for the best. It’s the only space you have to convince buyers to click on your listing and give it a look, so it’s worth making sure that it’s optimized to its fullest potential. Here are a few things to avoid when optimizing your product listing:

  1. Don't use overly long titles and descriptions
  2. Don't use keywords that are too generic or repetitive
  3. Don't use keywords that are too long or complicated
  4. Don't forget to optimize your images as well
  5. Don't Use keywords that are not related to your product or brand.
  6. Don't Use more than 15 keywords in a single product title.
  7. Don't Use the same keyword more than once in a single product title.
  8. Don't Use misspelled or irrelevant keywords (e.g., "woolen" instead of "wool").
  9. Don’t use false information
  10. Don't just copy other sellers' listings word-for-word


To summarize, in order to optimize your Amazon product listing, you need to optimize your title and bullet points with keywords that will attract attention and conversions. Having a flashy cover photo has been shown by many studies to help with click-through, but ultimately it's up to else. There's no single best way to optimize a listing. The key is to test various options and see what works for you.