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What Is a Real Estate Agency

Jun 21

Real estate agents work to buy, sell, and lease property on behalf of clients. These professionals are highly specialized in the housing market and have a wealth of knowledge about property values, home trade-ins, and local real estate markets. They also know how to find properties that meet the needs of each client, and can assist with the entire process from start to finish. For more visit

A real estate agency can be a broker or agent, and they must meet certain qualifications to be licensed to practice in the industry. In the United States, the National Association of Realtors has established strict standards for brokers and agents to uphold. These include following the rules of agency, maintaining a valid license, and not engaging in activities that could put their reputation or that of other agents at risk.

Many different types of real estate agencies exist, and each has its own unique approach to the business. The most common type is the traditional full-service agency, which offers a variety of services to clients including property listings, market analysis, and negotiations. There are also non-traditional or flat-fee real estate agencies, which charge a set fee instead of a commission on the sales price of the property.

House Buying

Real estate buyers and sellers have very different requirements, which is why it’s important to hire an agent who specializes in your specific property type or neighborhood. This will ensure that your agent has a thorough understanding of the market and is equipped to meet all your expectations. When interviewing agents, ask for referrals from previous clients and check their licensing website to make sure they have a clean record and are free of any disciplinary actions.

The duties of a real estate agent are defined by the law and outlined in an agency agreement, which is typically created electronically on a real estate website. The law requires that an agent or broker disclose all material facts to their clients and act in the best interest of their client. This is often referred to as fiduciary duty. Some of the key fiduciary duties include obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accounting, and reasonable care.

It’s also crucial to choose an agent who has experience working with clients from your community, as local agents have a good understanding of the area and can provide you with valuable insights. A knowledgeable agent will be able to spot red flags in a listing, such as an asking price that doesn’t match the property’s value, and may have the connections necessary to resolve them.